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Ethnic Studies
Ethnic Studies

» 人种学:对种族、民族和土著的研究

Ethnic Studies民族研究辅修课程是一门跨学科的种族研究课程, ethnicity, and indigeneity, 重点是历史, cultures, perspectives, 以及美国被边缘化的种族和族裔群体的社区工作. 这门课程是理论性的, historical, and experiential approach to examine: modern (in)justice; social movements; legal and public policy activism; antiracist and anti-patriarchal ontologies; liberationist epistemologies; and community and identity formation in American history. Students will learn about multiple cultures’ social and historical context within the United States; academic and experiential learning are interwoven such that key themes, concepts, 民族研究领域的思想被有意地应用于社区.

Ethnic Studies

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