Dr. 理查德晋升

Dr. 理查德晋升

Professor, Director, General Education Program
Wilkinson College of 艺术, 人文学科, and Social Sciences; Department of English, Department of Peace Studies
办公地点: Smith Hall 07
办公时间: Wednesdays from 10 am -12 pm and by appointment
电话: (714) 997-6754
First-year Foundations Program
University of Michigan, Bachelor of 艺术 (Latin)
Duke University, Master of 艺术
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Ph.D.


理查德晋升 completed his undergraduate degree in Honors English and History at the University of Michigan (1976), and he earned an MA in English at Duke University (1978) and a PhD in English Literature at UNC Chapel Hill (1988). He has taught at UNC Chapel Hill, North Carolina State, and the University of Michigan; he came to Chapman in 2006 from Viterbo University in La Crosse, 威斯康辛州, where he was department chair and director of the Honors Program. His primary research interest is the work of Joseph Conrad; he's published books and essays and given numerous papers on various aspects of his work. His most recent publication, a monograph entitled A Political Genealogy of Joseph Conrad, appeared at the end of 2014.  He is at work on a book concerned with the intersection of literature and neuroscience. 

Recent Creative, Scholarly Work and Publications

“历史, Cognition and Nostromo: Conrad’s Explorations of Torture, 创伤, and the Human Rage for Order.” Modern Fiction Studies, 68.4, (Winter, 2022): 748-771
莱文,雅艾尔. Joseph Conrad: Slow Modernism. Partial Answers: Journal of Literature and the History of Ideas, 19.2, June 2021: 383-386.
Kim Salmons and Tania Zulli, eds. Migration, Modernity and Transnationalism in the Work of Joseph Conrad. Conradiana. Volume 51, Number 3, Winter 2019: 181-188.
Conrad and Language, eds. Katherine Isobel Baxter and Robert Hampson. 英语教学杂志. 60.4 (June 2017): 61-66.
A Political Genealogy of Joseph Conrad. Lanham, MD: Lexington Press, 2015.
Brian Artese, Testimony on Trial: Conrad, James, and the Contest for Modernism. Joseph Conrad Today. 40.1 (Spring 2015): 9-11.
“Introduction” to the first translation into Chinese of Joseph Conrad’s Under Western Eyes, 赵婷. Shanghai: Shanghai Yiwen Press, 2014.
约翰G. Peters, Joseph Conrad’s Critical Reception. Studies in the Novel. 46.2 (Summer, 2014): 269-271
“Colonial Literature.” Encyclopedia of Twentieth-Century British and Irish Fiction Vol. 1. ed. 布莱恩·谢弗. 布莱克威尔,2010.
‘Pathos and Fun’: Conrad and Harper’s Magazine.“Conradiana. 41.2 (Fall, 2009): 176-200.
“Why Conrad (Still) Matters.” Wilkinson Review: The Chapman University, Wilkinson College Magazine. 1.2 (Fall/Winter, 2008): 7-11.